weather its the continuation of the neon take-over, the ever classic white wash or a coraly beach palette i predict the halftone dip to be the up and comer to watch for (your chances of seeing this trend first hand will be drastically increased by hanging out with your truly).
the grade A edition of my mind's eye regurgitating its visual, etherial and concrete understandings of art + design .
eventually i plan to include this as a daily installment in cahoots with the not-yet-built CA/ART/ER website (a newer more relevant way for people to access my brainstem).
This little place in space is meant to be a source of light, an archive of inspiration and a place for me to regurgitate poignant social topics in an effort of explore and process. As a creative and lover of all things visual i consume stimulus rapidly on a daily basis. As a human with a big heart i feel compelled to share my findings with the people i love and the people i could love. very rarely will anything featured here be of my own make, i'd like to give some love to the people that keep my fire lit.